The Qur’an says that wherever you look, you will see the face of God.

One day something strange happens… When life flows fast and suddenly fills up a light that blinks their pupils. You’re actually just starting to see it? Or did you get that divine breath that gave you life? You don’t know … But it’s the first time you feel your heart beating. He’s standing there, waiting for a row with everyone, but his look is so beautiful April rain that it invades his heart. You’re willing to be beaten. You would like to worship the heart of your whole self…… Until you saw him you were a so-called deity. You chose to be a servant the moment you saw him. You’d give her everything to make him happy and to live.

Say it, man! Why did you see him as your God, fell into the sea of love, don’t you think? This is the arrow that hit, whether the award manager is unknown, but why did it only hit you? When everyone goes by him, what’s the only way to tie up your knee? Why just you?

God is everything… but is not the light like pearls in a lamp, as the description and similitude of his Qur’an? You still don’t get it, don’t you see the blink of an eye of Ra-Hu-man? Maybe for the first time you’ve seen a person decorated with divine paint. You wanted to be a slave to someone for the first time. When your mind says that person, your heart says that God and your heart says that I worship. I swear to God, your heart is telling the truth. You see the truth in a glass jar. From the eyes of a lover who looked like a drop of water… the man who saw the sea had solved the mystery when he saw it. Rahuman appeared to him in a human image. God, who tried Moses in the image of an old man, had returned to you in a beautiful way.

A saint knocked on his door to talk to a man, but there was no man, and his daughter opened that door. The saint saw the face of the girl, and then he fainted and fell in love and couldn’t recover for a long time. The girl’s father saw this and offered to give her daughter to the saint. The saint refused. Because he knew what he saw. He wasn’t blind. He knew that RA-Hu-Man would appear in the image of man, not one day, but a thousand days, and he would go behind a face that is actually ordinary by everyone and looked at and said, “O man prostrate!”. He was not blind… he saw his Lord in a drop of water. From the tiny leaf of a flower, the flowers smelled the garden. At that moment, the light of truth burned his heart. He looked at the moon and understood the sun reflected on him.



I ask the heart that is not in love. How long have you been dead? How long have you been out of breath? How long have you looked at a pair of eyes, or to a dear who drank water from a lake, and cried, “What is your nationality?”

Did you wonder to look at her, and you couldn’t afford her, and you smiled her eyes into her heart? And you added dhikr to your dhikrs? Only fools steal candy from the candy store. The candy shop calls you to the candy store. Which Blind sees the sorcerer, but does not know the Sorcerer. What a strange, exemplary blinding that when you get it, the spell ends and it turns into something completely different. It’s like saying I don’t have a job with you anymore… and my goal was to make you fall in love with myself, not with a servant.

What does the Qur’an say? Wherever you look you will see the face of God.

Whether you look at nature or man, if you’re blind, you’ll never see him.

And you’re blind, oh man! I called you in from an eye mirror. You never heard of it? You never thought about it, I chose you to fall in love with among all those people. I’m the light that blinks the hearts, and it is my face that’s being looked at and that’s looking at.…

God says in the Quran :

Velteffeti-ssâku bi-ssâk(i)

That day, the leg falls into the leg.

It says in the Kalem Sura (it is the name of 68th Sura of the Qur’an.);

On that day, the leg is opened, and they are called to prostrate, but they are not able to do it. Because they were called to prostrate in the world. (but they did not prostrate.)

Oh man, you were supposed to avoid it, yes,

but didn’t the veil in the eyes of a beautiful one open? Didn’t you see the light of a rank created by Rahman and Rahiym as an example of paradise?

Has your heart ever been called down to prostration, without words, and without a book, without a prophet and without a prayer? Did he not say to the one who created your heart…… who called your heart behind the curtains…… who would enter Hell, if he had seen a messenger and did not prostrate to the Compassionate in his presence? Have you not seen a beautiful eye that calls you to the one who has created you like a prophet, who has cried that there is God?

Even in the most known sources, the Prophet did the same commentary as me; believe him if you do not believe me.;

“As in Kalem Sura; our Lord opens his calf and prostrates to him every believing man and every believing woman. And those who prostrate themselves to him in disgrace while they are in the Earth, They try to prostrate themselves, but their backs turn into a straitened layer, (and they cannot prostrate.)”

(Buhari, Tefsir, Nunvel Kalem 2, Tefsir, Nisa 8, Tevhid 24; Müslim, İman 302. (183)

Hz. Moses saw a shepherd praying, and he approached and listened.;

As long as you come, I’ll cut the sheep and feed them, you beg, I’ll wash your feet. I’ll clean you up. How much I love you. I admire you very much. He was telling things like that.

In the face of what they heard, Hz. Moses rode in the rage cubes, and he called out the prayer of the Blessed Shepherd.:

Hz. Moses:

Shut up, you ignorant man! What did you think? Does God have the feet to wash? Would you pray like that?

The shepherd, ashamed and weeping, repented a thousand. I didn’t know, he said. Moses went up to the mountain saying, ” how good I did it by taking him on the road.” God told him;

 “Oh Moses! what did you do today? Are you here to break me up, or meet me with my lovers? You scold that strange shepherd. You couldn’t understand how close he was to me.  

Moses ran and went to the shepherd…

The Lord said, ” I created man with two hands.” The Prophet, the Compassionate (Rahman), said that he will put his foot on Hell.

The Torah said to the seven Apostles that he had eyes on the Earth. There is no doubt that you will soon see the infinite and Infinite Supreme God in a magnificent image of a human being with the manifestation of the Almighty. Before some of you die, some of you live.

In this world, you have either seen it in your life, or you will love it; behind a curtain. You’ll see him one last time on the day of resurrection. You will be invited to the prostration one more time. But if you can’t see him before he dies, you’ll never see him again.


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